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Logic pro x 432 hz free downloadHow To Produce Hz Music With Any Plugin In Any DAW! – Meteorite Sound. Logic pro x 432 hz free download
Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Logic Pro X Instruments. Related Papers. If you are going to audition a bunch of themes, it may be handy to put it in the Dock. The first time you open it, it will prompt you to guide it to the folder where your themes are. It then will make a copy of the Logic framework to a hidden backup folder, but please heed my earlier warning and do not rely solely on this.
Better to be safe than sorry. If you have already chosen a custom theme, it will briefly give you a dialogue box to reset it to the default Logic Pro X GUI. See Pic 3. After a few seconds, that dialogue box will go away and will see the theme selector window that you see here in Pic 4.
I choose it and I see the dialogue box you see in Pic 5. Get up and move, even just think about something significant and it will change. And a healthy heart rate has much variability. If it's stuck at or near 60 bpm that is not good. If there is some grand mystical significance in those Great Pyramid measurements not denying the obvious earth radius to circumference parallel , then they also point to as being a "special number" since each base side length measures Egyptian cubits. Maybe the Egyptians were time-traveling cosmic jokers and they saw the nonsense we'd be arguing about in the 21st century so they "encoded" both and in the Great Pyramid just to mess with us!
Hi rich g, I appreciate you. Hi Jon, I didn't say there were no connections. Between the Great Pyramid measurements and earth etc there certainly appears to be parallels that are sure likely more than coincidence.
I tend to trust that those ancients knew quite a lot and clearly they put a lot of thought and intent into the pyramid design. I just don't see any solid evidence that makes a number with any special powers - and certainly not Hz being a magical or healing frequency etc - just because it makes for a good math factor that the ancient Egyptians and others may have used.
If only they had left some written notes - a guidebook to their intent and purpose! Like with the Precession of the Equinoxes, the numbers are often less in alignment than some people claim. The modern scientific measurement for the Precession is 25,, not 25, Thus, dividing by 60 gives us For Hz proponents this just isn't "good enough", IMO. Your 60 resting heartbeat makes you 'approximately bottom range average' I had so much respect for this informative article until this like: " Tuning your music to a specific frequency will not unlock cosmic powers, or make your music sound better or worse.
Music is a language pretty much and the ideas and emotions are carried by construction of the melody, phrasing, arranging, performance If I would read a poem with a low voice or high voice, would it make magically change the meaning of the poem? I applaud the historical research on , but it may be that is emerging in the collective unconsciousness for a reason and people's limited understanding as to why along with intellectual laziness has fabricated these false histories in attempt to bring more legitimacy to the mythos.
Well done Assaf, you describe the situation perfectly. Strange how Pythagoras with his monochord was using frequencies concerning the mathematics of 8, using as a reference the8 Hz third octave above the starting point of 1Hz, from where climbing some octaves up the ladder we get a frequency of Hz, which corresponds to a C in the scale where A has a frequency of Hz for therapeutic purposes In ancient Greece, as already earlier in ancient China, sound was used as medicine, and not for entertainment purposes as today while we are re discovering more and more the therapeutic sound power Strange how in ancient Egypt they were able to build the great Pyramid of in the proportions of the harmonics of , and used stones that resonate at Hz, like those of many other prehistoric constructions such as Stonegenge or african sound stones Tuning systems such as the Equal Temperament and others, are applicable starting from a pitch of note, as is the A, at any frequency arbitrarily established, while the Hz Concert Pitch is called "Scientific Tuning" because of its correlations with mathematics, nature and the universe.
Consider that in the past, every family that was building musical instruments, before the mass production started, had its own pitch of intonation, as I was told by a musicologist, which varied from one family to another, according to what each luthier felt to be more correct For example, some tuned their instruments to the singing of the birds.
Every time a new instrument was built, it was tune to the previous one so that they could play together! At a certain point of history, with the beginning of globalization on a musical level, and the development of industrial mass production of musical instruments, an international standardization was necessary, so that musicians of different nations could play together.
Cymatics do not provide proof images that Hz is the frequency of the water or the universe as written in the article. It simply makes the effect of sound on matter visible, and the fact that certain harmonic frequencies form more precise patterns than other frequencies..
In the same way, a higher concert pitch frequency affects the vocal cords of the lyric singers, that see their vocal chords irreparably damaged after only a few years and singers that can produce such high-pitched sounds are rare.
However music is also a personal experience and a matter of taste, hearing and individual sensitivity. Good morning to all. I wish to add my 2-bit piece about this "magical number" of , taking as a reference Joseph Campbell's conference on gods and goddesses of the Neolithic period a Peter Donat video of the late 80's. Campbell mentions the Indian Puranas composed between and CE, where a cycle of time lasts , earthly years and is called a "Yuga", each Yuga being registered is a "Maha Yuga" great cycle of 4,, earthly years.
Each Maha Yuga is registered in a "Kalpa" of 4,,, earthly years The height of the Great Pyramid of Kheops is originally ,7m high, which corresponds to the length of the Earth radius at the scale , In the Islandic Grimnismal, drawn from the poetic Edda composed between the 8th and the 12th centuries, the Walholl or Walhalla, palace of the paradise of Wotan, or Odin, is structured by gates. During the "Day of the Wolf", warriers will go through each of these gates to fight the ennemies of the gods in a great total annihilation.
This will be the end of times, before a new cycle. In the 3rd century BC, the second book of Berosus, a chaldean priest who was translting the Babylonian myths into Greek, tells the story of the Creation with the 10 legendary kings before the deluge of Utnapishtim the Babylonian Noah of the Kingdom of Kish. Between the Creation and the Utnapishtim Deluge, , years have passed. That figure corresponds to the cycle of the precession of the Equinoxes. In the Bible, Genesis, there are also 10 patriarchs between Adam and Noah the biblical Deluge , and it is said that at the time of the Deluge, Noah is exactly years, 2 months and 17 days old This number of years, if transcribed in "creation periods of 7 'days' each" corresponds to 86, "periods", or 2 cycles of 43, periods each.
We find here again the number and its double as in the Rig Vedas. At this time, it was thought that there was a correspondance between the cosmic laws and the Human existence on Earth, and that Humanity was a reversed image of the Cosmic Order: What is above is as what is below but as a "reversed" or "inverted" image. And Campbell concludes that for a Man at rest, the heart beats on average at 60 beats per minute or beats per hour - and the "hour" was known at the time of the Ancient Sumerians, Babylonians and Egyptians, as the day was split already in twice 12 hours.
For the Egyptians, the day was hour long and the night was also hour long, so these hours were not lasting the same "time" in winter as opposed to summer - but nevertheless, one full day was always 24 hours with 12 hours for the masculine, sun-driven day and 12 hours for the feminine, lunar-driven night. The Greek Odyssey has 24 "songs", each representing such a "time" in the wandering of Ulysse. In other words, the human heart beats 43, times during the masculine day, and 43, times during the feminine night.
So this figure of represents the rythm of the universe that connects Man to God or gods , by being the link between the cosmic precession of the equinoxes and the fundamental rythm of Mankind. It is then no surprise that Pythagore ended-up advocating that the "music of the spheres" was related to this figure.
I had just graduated with my BA in analytic philosophy, mathematics, and Greek which was taught in an unusually analytic way. Astrology is the mother of all esoteric sciences because it entirely integrates the rational with the non-rational. Thank you so much for all this precious information, Pierre Engel! All this numerology is nice, but there is something that you should take in count, the units. The number "" or any other number doesn't represent anything, since hz depends on the hz, wich depends on the second, which is completely arbitrary.
The only number that could in principle have some intrinsic importance are relations between quantities of the same units, since that would be a pure numbers and not a relationship between two distinct units, which will always be arbitrary.
Bautista this is a good point but Interesting article.. My present leadsinger struggles a bit with our material,, He is a baritenor or high pitched baritone and sings a lot of cover stuff in their original key, WE talked about detuning the guitar and bass to E-flat transposing all our material down a half note.. But to my ears a lot of songs sound less dramatic or energetic now when he sings then a half note deeper Truth be told a lot of songs sound closer to my sweet spot now I have at one single occasion a long time ago sang all his songs live detuned a half note by tuning the guitars and basses to e-flat, which we are in the mist of doing at the moment I got through but just borderline A less dramatic downtune to Hz would make my leadsinger get through with less voice fatigue but still be more around his sweet spot than down at Hz downtune..
I think the voice and the entry to the passaggio is key.. In Hz my E4 note or his F4 note needs more weight lifted of the note which in a live situation can be difficult to do.. Great article, Assaf, though it looks like you read my own article on the subject first and based the form and outline of yours on mine! Some of the information in our articles is the same, some different, so it's worth reading both for a greater perspective.
Many of the points that both of you mention are simply not true. Instead of copying and pasting here, please read my article for clarification of some of those points. There's nothing wrong with being 'wrong'. The problem comes when when refusing to update or change ones perspective when confronted with more accurate information - a common human trait, we've all done it.
It's not about or It's about The Audible scales which have been created. The twelve-tone equal temperament system A. Any one can say what they want but ultimately the equal temperament system was made for modern ease with no regard to the natural world which is non constricting.
While one has in just Intonation AKA non constricting micro tonality a large number of natural audible intervals available, one has in the twelve-tone equal temperament system A. So to conclude Western musicology has made a prison for its music.
It has locked it out from a vast universe of sounds and potential musical expressions. In addition, it has marred the harmony and beauty of the natural sound intervals by distorting their natural relationship. It has even conditioned musicians to hear music that are in accordance with natural harmonics as out of tune! By incorporating western musical instruments and equal temperament tuning into the ancient just intonation Gandharva Vedic tuning Which most modern musicians have no idea about is like night and day.
And yes if we look to reference the modern measurable WAV of the seat of A in the Gandharva scale we will see it is closer to In comparison equal temperament looses the original strength and purity of the music and musical mystics would say it sounds distorted and polluted.
It is like bringing the music away from natural law, while it should do the opposite, bring us more in tune with natural law and Beauty, but hey this is the world we live in today. Fiction: This discussion will end someday.
Fact: Stubborn humans. There is no smoke without fire they say. But using this logic we arrive at octal is in decimal , and so that might be the next tuning. And that last thing above isn't as far out as it sounds.
Randal Roffe says the best tuning is to lower c a bit down towards Bb, Though we prefer The God particle and again claimed by some to represent anti-matter at least. Add up the inner angles of all platonic shapes and solids and you get a perfect F Major chord in tuning. Much more elegant than when you consider shapes create matter, does it matter? It does to me when I consider sympathetic resonance with the all and everything.
Having said that, as a musician, I find all frequency relevant, and enjoy a bit of varietal drift from time to time, tuning to the moment. I would recommend a free iOS audio player www. It's hard to believe okay, maybe not so hard that people are so enamored with numerology that they ignore the fact that, as the article points out repeatedly, the numerical value of a frequency is dependent on the length of one second in time, which is arbitrary.
You could take any pleasing number you like and decide it's the key to the universe, but if we happened to measure time in seconds that were any shorter or longer than the standard second, a given frequency would be measured to be a different cycles per second Hertz. THAT said, I'm not seeing any evidence that anyone did center on that specific frequency, and besides, for that to mean anything, they would have had to use the exact same major scale system as in Western music.
For those that did use Western scales, before the Middle Ages there's no particular reason they would have used A4 as the centrally tuned pitch, which means you'd need to know the pitches of every note in a scale to know whether the equivalent of A4 was set a certain frequency. FACT: You're an idiot. You said you've added pitch control to the software. What about functionality that let's me sweep between base pitches through the course of the song being played.
A "modulation". A song starts in Hz A and ends in Hz A. What about the frequency tables? I've thoroughly enjoyed reading these comments, almost more than the article itself. I've been playing in A for 50 years. A year ago, after some nudging from a few friends and some curiosity on my part, I tuned my piano down to A When i first played it I was disappointed.
It seemed kinda flat and uninteresting and I was pretty sure I was gonna tune back up to A next time. But the next time a day later I played it I really felt like there was something about it that I liked.
I found myself really enjoying it for some reason. I felt like my instrument 7ft grand was just humming as I played and I found myself getting lost in playing and improvising more than I had in a long time. I really don't KNOW.
I've heard all the myths about the tuning and have spent some time on-line researching. But I've never found anything tangible or scientific to support the claims of A tuning advocates. I just finished a recording in A that I'm releasing this September and was hoping to write something intelligent in the liner notes about the tuning.
I can't find any "scientific" support but I somehow enjoy the feeling of it. I DO think that the constant raising of concert pitch is a problem. It would be better to increase one's composing and performance skills to give the music a brighter edge than to keep raising pitch. That's gonna have to ceiling-out somewhere. I plan on recording other albums with other instruments tuned to A as well. I'm gonna trust my instincts and do what feels good to me.
Why not? It's my music. It's just too bad that I won't be able write anything tangible in the liner notes about the proven superiority of A But again, I have to say that the debate is very interesting.
Is there a "user friendly" instrument that I could work with to explore that and expand my ear? I do think that western music is limited and does desensitize one's ear to natural law and sounds. I also really resonated with MICAH's comments about the measurement and names because all forms of that are relative and subjective to the measurement system and therefore man-made, whereas natural sounds and frequencies are absolute.
So, again, it's all very interesting. I'm gonna stay with A for now even if it's just to say a definitive "no" to this sickening trend of "faster, tighter, harder and more is better". I'm guessing Peter 'K'?! Many years ago we spoke about something, something music world related, when you were living in upstate NY.
Have you read my article, the original one that this article heavily 'borrowed' from? I think it's great that you enjoy the lower tuning on your piano, and I also think it's great that you have nothing scientifically tangible to say about it in the liner notes!
Why would it be bad not to have something, other than to play into the marketing hype? You're an artist. Artists are the 'scientists' of emotion, feeling, spirit, etc and we speak a different language. The simple fact that you are prefering your piano tuned lower is enough. I'll bet anyone twelve dollars that if you tuned it to Hz or Hz you would be having the exact same experience. Music and the great mystery and magic of life will never be nailed down to simplistic 'cure-alls' like the story.
In fact, a study was done where people were played a variety of music examples where a piece was played at a particular tuning and then the identical piece played lower. In EVERY case participants preferred the lower tuning - regardless of what the lower or higher tuning was.
In other words, if the lower tuning was Hz, that was preferred. If the lower tuning was Hz while the higher was Hz, all participants preferred the lower Hz. If I had the link at hand I'd post it. Our perceptions are relative, not absolute, and certainly not tied to a number concept that doesn't actually exist i.
The Step Editor now includes a Lane Set that automatically creates lanes to display all the content in a region, greatly enhancing its usability. See Pic 5. Export Track As Audio Files now works for multiple selected tracks with each exported as a separate audio file. In the past, you had to do either one or all. Bounce Tracks in Place also now works for multiple selected tracks. This makes stem creating much easier. This new key command hides all tracks that do not contain either regions or automation.
It is, however, unassigned by default so you will need to assign it to a key command. Now when you transpose a region using the Region Inspector, you have the option to view the transposed notes in the Piano Roll. Also, the Loop Browser now displays content that is available but not yet downloaded which you can download directly from the Loop Browser. My prayers have finally been answered! More articles by this author. Peter Schwartz, composer, orchestrator, arranger, pianist, synthesist, and musical director, began piano studies at age 5 and went on to earn a degree in piano performance from Manhattan School of Music.
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❿Logic pro x 432 hz free download.Pitch shifting to 432 Hz doesn’t improve music
Thankfully the old behavior has been restored. This drove me nuts! For example, if I want to go to 4 3 1 1, I simply type 4, hit the spacebar, then 3, and hit the spacebar, etc. Next time I open the Go To Position window it will remember the last position entered.
Also, Alchemy now provides 11 spectral effects for sound processing in the frequency domain. This opens all sorts of creative possibilities. The Step Editor now includes a Lane Set that automatically creates lanes to display all the content in a region, greatly enhancing its usability. See Pic 5. Export Track As Audio Files now works for multiple selected tracks with each exported as a separate audio file.
In the past, you had to do either one or all. Bounce Tracks in Place also now works for multiple selected tracks. This makes stem creating much easier. This new key command hides all tracks that do not contain either regions or automation. It is, however, unassigned by default so you will need to assign it to a key command.
Thank god a rational mind has been deployed on this subject. Quite a ridiculous excuse for an actual test between hz music and hz music. I am personally going a way from equal tempered and using the perfect fifth tuning from Maria Renold. I finally adapted a tuning method that works better than what I did for years. If the room is a constant temperature and the Guitar is soaked in that room long enough to be at room temperature also, I tune the string to the desired frequency and then bend the string 3 or 4 times as hard as I would during the performance, I continue this until the bending does not cause the notes pitch to fall at all, meaning I have gotten all slack out from around the machine shaft.
I do this for every string and have seen my guitar stay in tune with out further adjustment for as long as a week of constant playing. Took me 30 years to figure that out. If temperatures fluctuate it will not be of much help, but in a stable environment it is awesome and works beautifully. I hate playing or hearing music out of tune. Thanks again for the reply. Try my method for stretching while tuning and let me know what you think.
Regarding the claims on the internet, the real basis to hz A tuning is that register shifts for sopranos and baritones make more sense particularly in the works of Verdi. It is also closer to the pitch used by most ancient organs etc. Scientific pitch. Basically, human voices are not generally designed to sing at those frequencies.
It is only 8 cycles, but that just points to the knifes edge A tuning puts us on. So it is a health thing and performance issue although it can negatively affect the aesthetic of certain pieces.
Sorry, but the difterence between both frequencies is so teeny. Otherwise very subjective. You missed the point. If the notes in the true scale i worked to uncover referenced to the square root of , are used, then the two notes in the hz frequency range are and This might not seem like much difference, but the way the harmonics work with the math is the real evidence it makes a substantial difference, and the sound is the final proof.
Thanks for the reply. Thank you. For me, there is no scale that is more true or real than another. Any frequency, has many harmonics than another. On the other hand, I think that digital correspondences are curiosities. In the recent past, there was only the low, medium and high tones and any fixed reference in the world before And the most interesting in this study is that at the hearing, in a random sample of population, there is no known preference for the so-called best pitch Hz.
About story of musical pitch, I refer you to the writings of the French musicologist Jacques Chailley or Canadian researcher Bruce Haynes. The acoustical and muscular differences in even such a slight discrepancy in pitch as between and are PROFOUND, when applied to certain composers. Just flat when compared. So, as I said, your example is pointless and makes me want to disregard all of your statements for stretching the truth or pitch to try to convince others of your point.
The further you get from the middle a, the bigger the difference of tuning is. Between f2 — f2 american f5-f5 is already 13 steps Hz and ,5 Hz and in the next octave it is already about 23 steps e3 is Hz and Hz , when you tune on pitch a or a I am not dogmatic about any sort of tuning. I sing in the range of soprano, only as high as a2 american a5 when I sing with a piano.
But when I sing with an instrument tuned a, I make it to the b-flat. One note higher. John probably knows wery well what he is talking about. Anna from Europe. I got it its very simple. Just thinking a few minutes. With each octave up the number of vibrations per second Hertz doubles, so the difference grows. So nearly two octaves higher which almost is from a to Queen of the night…well, nearly… the vocal cords have to vibrate nearly four times more — times per second.
Imagine what they must do, what tonus they must pull to vibrate so guickly. If you had ever tuned a string instrument, you would have experienced the difference: when you tune just a tiny little bit sharper a middle range string that is easy from when you tune the little bit sharper the highest strings — that seem to nearly crack and it is very difficult, it is easily overstrained and the string damaged.
The same feels with vocal cords. The little up there is different from the little in the middle. This study is biased to the core as it simply asks for preference strongly influenced by the subconscious.
How about you do a study in which you look at the influence of music on plants at hz and hz and see which has the more beneficial effects, using the same equipment for both test groups, of course, as to negate any argument of equipment having an effect. After all, music has been proven to effect the growth of plants, so it makes perfect sense that the tone and frequency might change the effect in the same way that different styles of music will change the effects of sound on the plants.
There was no use of scientific method in this experiment, you just surveyed. Surveys are proven to be pretty much the most flawed method of collecting data you can use. As this is a blog entry, I decided not to write out the full scientific method used. The statistical methods used to demonstrate statistical significance were given in the blog entry.
So, you surely must know that a specific event can depend on many variables. I mean, your results can actually be part of what people think it sounds best for them because is what they always hear and what we think is normal. I think you should test your music samples with a random group of people or other living beings not in a survey, but in a measured and controlled test based on effects and not in what people like, as some researchers have done with plants.
But is just what I like. Please do it. Thing is, you used a pitch bender. This means if the music were originally recorded in even temperament, then it is still played in even temperament. Still, thank you for your work; at LEAST it shows that electronically bending the pitch by a fractional factor is meaningless as most of us would expect.
Those who have been conditioned to identify with hz would, it seems, obviously choose for the familiar. Evidence lies not in a human choice that is impacted by conditioning, but, to no small degree, in cymatics.
Matter, existing as vibrations manifest in the physical, will respond more harmoniously to the creation of certain vibrational frequencies. This is science independent of the noise that is human conditioning. Plus, most modern music has so little music in it. Converting files originally recorded at hz to hz is futile because the idea of recording music, say for example a guitar at hz means you have a sympathetic range of intervals that work on a ratio of perfect fifths which result in whole numbers that resonate with each other and are mathematically harmonious.
Music originally recorded at hz will not have these harmonic qualities to begin with so converting them to achieves little other than further degrading the sound quality via time stretching algorithms. It is a conceptual fallacy. Not to mention that if you are even thinking about attempting this with mp3 files you are wasting your time because of the bitrate and compression quality is designed to compromise between file size and audio integrity.
Hope this helps clear a few things up for somebody. This is what people are doing on Youtube. People are using pitch shifting algorithms, so it is a proper test of what is being done. The algorithm shifting down to would stretch bits, and leave artifacts.
However, if the recording were done at , samples a second then the audible artifacts would equal roughly , samples per second. I doubt any one here could tell the difference between the two different set of samples other than pitch itself being adjusted.
Good enough test. Very interesting argument made, and the whole point of science it to make an argument and prove it. Anyone else want to take the scientific challenge of proving him wrong.
If so, post it on a blog or this one. Sorry, quick calculation fix: , to roughly , Originally, I accidently calculated from to The ratio expresses the concept of Pythagorean tuning, in perfect fifths. Just tuning the note A to Hz on a guitar will not produce this intonation as guitar frets are placed to concur with equal temperament, not Pythagorean.
There is plenty of available history that people could look at, too. A was recommended as a standard pitch at least as early as the s, somewhat before Herr Goebbels was around. Many others have been too, generally at a time when conceiving such pitches in terms of Hz was impossible. And how many recordings that we assume are at A actually are? Lots of the Beatles oeuvre, for example, is recorded at different pitches, either at the instrument or at the tape deck, and in many instances both at once.
The following comment was sent to me via email : I see you wanted to debunk the vs Hz concert pitch myth. I did a lot of research on the topic, made music with Tibetan Ceremonial temperament, tuned my electronic piano to Hz and it really sounds great I must say plus having the benefit of being almost a semitone lower so one can transpose a semitone and be almost in tune, a real semitone lower is Also note that each instrument is build to sound best at a particular pitch, therefore I cannot agree that the piano recording, tuned and then at could be used as scientific proof that there is no preference for either tuning, or as you said slight preference to , which I assume the Steinway?
Most people will never understand it through their whole lifetime. The powers of 2 argument looks like it could be significant at first glance after all, powers of 2 underlie much of computer science , until you realize that the whole convention of describing frequencies as cycles per second is simply founded on convenience. There is nothing fundamental about hours, minutes, or seconds as time divisions, or anything about the sexagecimal system for that matter.
Apparently we have Lyndon Larouche to thank. Larouche, for those unfamiliar, is an ex-Marxist who in the s morphed his group of followers into a paranoid, sometimes violent, cult.
He became a self-styled expert on all social trends and founded think tanks that largely worked to expound various conspiracy theories. Under that rubric he gained a following on the far right. One of his obsessions was conspiracy theories relating to cultural trends he regarded as degenerate. They usually harkened back to mind control projects run by the CIA or secret international consortia. The article proposed that Josef Goebbels decided A tuning was favorable for instilling aggressive impulses and that Germany decided to dupe the international music community into supporting it in , proposing the standardization on A that was internationally adopted in So now the A cultists offer up a stew of Larouchian conspiracy theory without acknowledging its source , New Age twaddle, and numerology to make their case.
In the broken-clock-right-twice-a-day department, Larouche made the right call on the Iran-Contra scandal months before the story broke and on J. Alice in Chains recorded nearly all of their music in the same range as well, which was my inspiration for doing so.
It is good to know that the world is filled with snarky critics who had nothing to the conversation. I agree that the conscious mind might not know that the is more beneficial to the mind and body.
So the human body and organs has the same qualities. Mediators can actually hear the sound of body organs and further create bowls that sing at those frequencies to enlighten the body. This is the case whether A is or The argument for different temperaments — for natural or physical or other reasons — is a different argument. You yourself say that you could not test for health effects, so the Nazi reference is irrelevant — certainly not disproven.
I would be much more interested in scientific research regarding the physiological response of music recorded at vs As Bonbonmon pointed out, taste is a matter of exposure. As Stephen notes, frequency shifting the audio track of a YouTube video without temporal compensation is hardly sympatico with the notion of Hz, which in part relies for its effect on local resonances and harmonics of an instrument at the time of recording.
Much of science is to overcome such popularly entrenched notions. Further, it is not possible to improve the quality of poor experimental procedures and data acquisition, or study of the wrong phenomenon, through the analytic technique employed. Try listen nature sounds in nature, then listen some official records of nature sounds. My expirience is that records are pitched up. Thats sucks. Quaint Science you got there.
Have you ever worked with audio before? That is the wrong way to change pitch. This was not a Scientific experiment for that reason. Hi my name is Nate i live in the us, I have a question for you Mr. Cox, I am a worship leader in a church, we play a lot of songs and different styles rock, hip hop, contemporary, etc.
There is nothing stopping you playing with any tuning you like, provided your musical instruments can produce the right frequencies. However, there is no evidence that changing the frequency will make any difference to the perceived quality as demonstrated by Hugo Fastl.
Everyone carrying on like a fat old lady is really weird. People carry on, because there is a lot to carry on about. Who even knows, who you were referring to… but if it was me talking about the lack of audio quality when using a Pitch-Shifter plug-in, then you must not understand that a study measuring preference, is tainted, if the quality of the effected versions, is lower than the original. If this guy wanted to do a real study, he should have made a song with instruments TUNED to … AND , not pitch-shifting with a plug-in which totally messes up the sound-quality.
This was non-scientific, period. Of course you are free to disagree with the use of a pitch shifter, but the reason for me using this was not because I particularly advocate this process, but because I was doing what people have been doing on youtube to create supposedly better conditions of a wide variety of music.
Do you understand? And that is where Science falls flat on its face. It assumes curiosity and specialty-skills are the same and interchangeable.
Note the length of the videos are the same, hence the person has opted to preserve the duration. But you could tune the just instrument at Hz as well. The thing is, instruments we can commonly get our hands on are made for equal temperament so they will be most versatile. What you need in order to truly study this is to use equal temperament at Hz versus just temperament at Hz. Bizarre comments. Trevor has been clear that he is testing what people do before they draw their conclusions, rather than what they, perhaps, SHOULD do.
He is testing practice, not theory, and not necessarily his preferred or recommended practice, either. To say it is misleading, would be misleading. I will not waste any more of my time explaining why.
Ever hear of the Chipmunks? Stephen, And your point is? It is closer to a high school project or the behavior of an amateur hobbiest. For example, although Trevor includes a graph of his results, there is no defined control identified anywhere in the experimental method, and worse there is no definition of the meaning of the error bars on the results he presents in the graph, SD, CI, SEM, CV, who knows. Be that as it may, any experiment that shows error bars with a magnitude similar to the plotted data mean, is strong evidence for the fact that the variation in the data is so great as to suggest the underlying process is random.
The graph suggests the data obtained were random. The only conclusion. It is not possible to draw any inferences.
Trevor, you could probably not be more wrong if you tried. All of what you said, is my exact thoughts… this experiment is literally meaningless. Plus, like you said, pitch preferences in pieces of music is beyond arbitrary… test a million different people on 15 different pitches and the results will be random.
And there will be no difference to most people. And any differences would be possibly due to perceptive changes in preference from one time, to the next. Therefore a multitude of orders in frequencies would need to be tried. This is like you said. An elementary school science project, simply demonstrating a rudimentary approach to process… not an actual experiment meant to be used to generate real results. But by all means, let them fill the need for un-verifiable, arbitrary and banal content on the internet.
We know there is a shortage of that around and way too many facts in wide circulation. I used a variety of different frequencies for a couple are reasons. If I was to only use Hz and Hz I would risk subjects being able to guess the tuning being used. It would be obvious that the lower frequency sample in a pair was the Hz example. The test would no longer be blind. The paragraph under the graph, clearly stated the two statistical tests used to prove significance with P values.
Guys, how about you show us how it should be done? Publish your results. Robin, I am not an experimental psychologist, so I am not in a position to suggest how you should proceed in a principled way to do the experiment Trevor attempted. My hypothesis is, it would would likely be rejected outright if submitted for review to any professional journal in its present form. Prove me wrong. The work certainly could be published as a conference paper, there are not enough results to warrant a journal paper.
Anyway, if I had published this in a scientific journal, none of you would have read this! The effect of tuning and key on emotions is a VERY interesting area of study. Please bring together a team of specialists in the various domains, and devise a set of experiments with a more widely acceptable protocol.
Also, please continue to publish here on the internet where any music lover can read and review. PS I would like to thank all researchers even the boring ones , and in particular the iron-in-spinach researcher without whom Popeye would never have been born decimal point mistake. No offense, but you are clearly neither a musician nor a scientist. I thank you Trevor. Here is my own research about the Hz myth sorry in french. As I changed the pitch setting on my Snark, I inadvertently left the bathroom exhaust fan on.
I was pleasantly surprised to find as I tuned my A string, I noticed it seemed to be more en-harmonic with the 60 Hz AC motor wailing away close by in the bathroom. The difference is notable, but people are widely misunderstanding the whole concept and jumping to quick conclusions. Concert pitch Hz only defines the place of A 4 note, and the distance ratio between each note remains the same. In the equal tuning that we use today, only the octaves truly resonate in sympathy with one another because if you play the note C4, the next C above that has a sound wave exactly half its length.
In equal tuning, all of the half note steps between the octave are mathematically divided and placed to an equal distance from one another. In physics, this basically makes all of the inbetween notes resonate in dissonance with one another. When two simultaneous sound waves of different length are played together, their waves interfere and result in a wobbly resonance.
Tuning music with equal temperament gives the advantage of maintaining the nature of music if you need to transpose a song for any reason. In old classical music and especially church music, equal temperament was not used. Not were instruments only tuned into a chosen marker that defines the hertz pitch of the A 4 note, but there are also a lot of other temperaments.
It means that the ratio and distance between notes are not equal. This brings whole new dimensions and moods to music. For example, if an organ music piece was composed in Werckmeister temperament of F Major, there was no way that you could go straight into playing a song that was written for A Major meantone temperament. The whole instrument had to be retuned just to play the other pieces because the unequal temperament resonates in a certain way, on a certain scale.
Now what people are forgetting with the Hz hype is that this is not about taking your favourite pop song and pitch-shifting it down to get to sweet and natural Hz. This makes it impossible to digitally convert songs afterwards, it has to be played in a certain way from the start. What comes to perception, lower frequencies have longer sound waves. Even at the same volume, we perceive lower frequency to be quieter than a higher frequency. In comparison, the higher one will always sound tenser because of that.
Super low frequencies can make the whole ground resonate and it feels as pressure in the body. High, super short waved frequencies are used for intrusion.
We use ultrasound technology in various things because the short wave can intrude into microscopic constructions, such as human tissue. However, when the low frequencies go to the range of infrasounds, it becomes a stress factor. In nature, infrasounds are produced by geological activity such as volcanic activity, earthquakes, thunder, floods and tsunamis, which are all a threat to living beings.
I do have perfect pitch, and realized after I converted a video file and uploaded it on Youtube that the pitch had been lowered and the performance was not representative of the original. Comparable to looking into a twisted mirror in the fun house at a carnival.
It distorts reality. I took it off. If this was done in an analog format like a reel to reel or turn table the variation or stretching of the sound waves are spread over an infinite number of points so the performance would be similar to detuning a guitar.
But if is between notes on the scale referenced to then you are hearing music, made up of tones that your ears have never heard before, assuming most all musicians try and play in tune as close as possible. Musicians know that off pitch notes sound awful. I could detect in my performance at the hz digital conversion that the additional time added was not a continuous evenly spaced addition of points but a stretching of certain parts of the music so that it sounded very jerky to me , and took on the characteristics of jazz, in which you learn to lay off the beat and sound like you are behind the rhythm of the song intentionally.
The pitch however in jazz stayed at and the other relative frequencies were in tune also. So only the rhythm was affected not the pitch. I concluded that jazz was the first attempt before the easily manipulated digital media was available to alter the music in some way where it was not as genuine or a true representation of what our incredible minds and bodies can do when we attempt to approach perfection. I was the best baritone player in Florida my last two years in high school and my intonation and timing were integral to giving people goose bumps with an instrument not normally used as a solo instrument in front of the band.
As my band director used me many times in that capacity, and people to this day remember the sound I attained. To go from a a to the next relative note is I will not use it or listen to it because it sounded like shit to me. I believe it is Satanic. An abomination. Jesus CHrist showed me the answer.
The ratio between each note is approx 1 to 1. I found some amazingly cool stuff. The frequencies we tune our instruments to, is based on the metric system because all the wave lengths are all measured in Metric centimeters..
See chart below. All whole numbers in centimeters up to approx. The man who first instigated the metric system has some interesting credentials, Satanic I believe, but consider what Ive learned. First secret code book in English , one of first books about a trip to the moon, Chairman of first meeting of the Royal Society. More interesting below, it was based on accurate measurements of the Earth or time around the sun.
However, Wilkins did not use the word metre and he did not use metric prefixes; these ideas came later. I felt this revelation months ago and I think the girl who prompted me to study this was an angel, because when I showed her my initial conclusions she said. So if the Satanist changed music to the frequency of the Earth and are now trying to slow it down again to A even lower, Which is half the frequency of Saturn which has an year cycle.
Saturn represents Satan. Then I will restore it back and make all my annoited music as it was in the beginning. The original frequency of hertz falls half way between F and F. They shifted the notes half way in between where they were originally. This also is a better range for many songs I sing. I can barely hit the E or bottom string at This is in tune with Yahovas spirit and Yashuas and I believe will start the out pouring promised in the first month.
The former and the latter rain. Let me know what you think. Note Frequency Hz Wavelength cm C0 D0 A setting of 0 results in an equal tempered scale tuning. User: Stretch Lower slider: Determines the deviation from the equal tempered scale in the bass end of the sound. In cases of conflict, the degree of purity is temporarily reduced. This mode can be used for all types of music. The value of the Depth parameter indicates the degree of the 5th and 3rd purity.
Off sets the tuning to an equal tempered scale. Mikkel Bech-Hansen. Gabriel Maynart. Aritz Zabaleta. Roberto Palazzolo. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF.
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